Jonathan lui dit: C'est demain la nouvelle lune; on remarquera ton absence, car ta place sera vide.
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new moon (See on verse
1 Samuel 20:5
Et David lui répondit: Voici, c'est demain la nouvelle lune, et je devrais m'asseoir avec le roi pour manger; laisse-moi aller, et je me cacherai dans les champs jusqu'au soir du troisième jour.
and thou shalt Among the terms of salutation and compliment used in Persia, one was, `according to my mode of notation in italics, (), signifying, Thy place or seat was empty among thy friends. This phrase, or the greater part of it, was frequently addressed to myself when coming into a circle of Persian acquaintances, after an absence of several days or weeks. It reminded me of a passage in the First book of Samuel, (ch
1 Samuel 20:18
Jonathan lui dit: C'est demain la nouvelle lune; on remarquera ton absence, car ta place sera vide.
) And thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty. And again, David's place was empty.' Sir W. Ouseley's Travels, vol i. preface, p.16
empty [heb] missed
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Version Louis Segond 1910