Nombres 31:32
Versets Parallèles
Louis Segond Bible
Le butin, reste du pillage de ceux qui avaient fait partie de l'armée, était de six cent soixante-quinze mille brebis,

Martin Bible
Or le butin, qui était resté du pillage que le peuple qui était allé à la guerre, avait fait, était de six cent soixante et quinze mille brebis;

Darby Bible
Et ce qui fut pris, le reste du pillage dont le peuple de l'armee s'etait empare, etait de six cent soixante-quinze mille tetes de menu betail,

King James Bible
And the booty, being the rest of the prey which the men of war had caught, was six hundred thousand and seventy thousand and five thousand sheep,

English Revised Version
Now the prey, over and above the booty which the men of war took, was six hundred thousand and seventy thousand and five thousand sheep,
Trésor de l'Écriture

the booty.

32,000 female prisoners,

61,000 asses,

72,000 beeves, and

675,000 sheep and small cattle; besides the immense number of males who fell in battle, and the women and children who were slain by the divine command. This booty was divided into equal parts, by which partition a far larger share was justly given to the warriors employed on the expedition, who were only

12,000, than to those, who being equally willing to go, were ordered to stay in the camp. Each party was to give a certain proportion to Jehovah, as their sovereign, in grateful acknowledgement that to him they owed their success. The soldiers to give to the Lord one out of every five hundred persons, beeves, asses, and sheep. and the people, who by staying at home risked nothing, and had no fatigue, were to give one out of fifty of each of the above to the Levites, who were far more numerous than the priests. The booty, its division among the soldiers and people, and the proportion given by each to the Lord and to the Levites, will be seen at one view by the following table:

Sheep .

To soldiers ....337,500
To God .........

To people ......337,500
To God .........

To people.......

To Levites......



To God..........

To people.......

To Levites......



To soldiers.....

To God..........

To people.......

To Levites......


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Version Louis Segond 1910

La Bible David Martin 1744

Darby Bible courtesy of
Nombres 31
31Moïse et le sacrificateur Eléazar firent ce que l'Eternel avait ordonné à Moïse. 32Le butin, reste du pillage de ceux qui avaient fait partie de l'armée, était de six cent soixante-quinze mille brebis, 33soixante-douze mille boeufs,…
Références Croisées
Nombres 31:31
Moïse et le sacrificateur Eléazar firent ce que l'Eternel avait ordonné à Moïse.

Nombres 31:33
soixante-douze mille boeufs,

Nombres 31:53
Les hommes de l'armée gardèrent chacun le butin qu'ils avaient fait.

Nombres 31:31
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